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Instructions to fix the error of not being able to copy data from outside to Windows VPS

Method 1: Open Remote Desktop Connection from the Windows search bar
Right-click the RDP icon you use to connect, then select Edit.
Select the Local Resources tab.
Remote Desktop is software that comes pre-installed on many versions of the Windows operating system.
Check the Clipboard option. To enable copying and pasting files, select More… and skip to step 4. If you only need to copy and paste text and not files. Stop here and click OK.
Can copy from outside to Windows VPS successfully
Click the Connect button. Now you access the VPS and you can perform operations like drag and drop copy conveniently.
Method 2: Perform on CMD to perform the copying from outside to Windows VPS
Step 1. Open Windows CMD
Open CMD in 2 ways: Click start in the bottom left corner of VPS then type cmd, or open the run window (Windows + R key combination) then type CDM then enter.
Open Windows CMD to copy from outside to VPS
Then the CMD window will appear as follows:
Enter the offset line to copy from outside to Windows VPS
Step 2: Turn off and rerun the rdpclip process
Enter each command line below and press enter after each command line to disable and restart the rdpclip process – this is the process that controls Windows copying. Sometimes VPS that has been running for a long time will have this process error, leading to the inability to copy from outside to VPS.

taskkill.exe /im rdpclip.exe

Then you can copy from outside into VPS normally.
Method 3: Log out of your account and log in again
There is also another simple way to restart VPS by typing the command from the CMD window:

shutdown -r -t 0

This command will restart the VPS immediately and the copy failure error will completely disappear. Because the VPS restart will also re-run the rdpclip process.
If you were able to copy and paste before, but suddenly you can't copy anymore, even without changing the settings, it's likely that the login session is faulty. Try logging out of your account on the server and then logging back in.