– Providing genuine cheap VPS


How to Connect Cloud VPS Windows on Android phones

- First, as usual you must own a VPS before you can access. 

- You can buy VPS at, you will receive the necessary information for login including IP address, Username and Password.

For example: Cloud VPS , user: Administrator , password: Shopvps247@$%


1. How to Connect to VPS on Android phone

Step 1: Access CH Play, download the application " Remote Desktop"

Step 2: Open the " Remote Desktop" application and provide some basic access rights.

Step 3: At the top right, click on the “+” sign to add basic information of VPS.

Step 4: Click “Add PC”


Step 5: Fill in the VPS information provided

PC NAME: Please enter the VPS address (IP:PORT format)


Step 6: Select “ Add user account

Step 7: In the "Add User Account" table

- Please enter

USERNAME : Administrator

PASSWORD: Shopvps247@$%

- Then press "SAVE"

Step 8: Click "SAVE"

Step 9: Click on the VPS you just saved.

Step 10: After connecting VPS

- Click on the box “Never ask again for connections to this PC”

- Then press "CONNECT"

* VPS connection successful 


How to Connect Cloud VPS Windows on Ios phones

Step 1: Go to App Store , find and download the application Remote Desktop”

Step 2: After downloading , access the application " Remote Desktop"

Select the “+” sign , then select “Add PC”

Step 3: Fill in the basic information of the VPS that the supplier sent to you.

- PC NAME: Please enter the VPS address (IP:PORT format)


- In “User Account” click on “Ask When Required” then select “ Add user account

Step 5: In the “Add User Account” table

- Please enter

USERNAME: Administrator

PASSWORD: Shopvps247@$%

- Then press "SAVE"

Step 6: Click “SAVE”

Step 7: When you complete the above steps, a screen will appear as shown in the picture. Now click on the VPS you just saved.

* VPS connection successful


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